Swing Analysis - Impact/Wrist Zoom

Impact Zoom

Contact is a crucial aspect of a golf swing, impacting both the distance and direction of the ball. We've built the Impact Zoom feature for you to look closely at your contact and provide insight on where you can improve your game! Take a look at this article on how to improve your contact!

Use Impact Zoom to look closely at your contact, especially in the area of

  1. Centeredness of Contact: Striking the ball at the center of the clubface is critical for maximizing distance and accuracy. Off-center hits can lead to shorter, less accurate shots.
  2. Quality of Contact: The quality of the contact between the clubface and the ball affects the ball's spin, trajectory, and ultimately, its final position. Clean, solid contact is essential for controlling these factors. Look closely if the club head move when it hits the ball (common in off-centered contact) which causes mishits.
  3. Lie of the Club: The position of the club at impact (whether it's flat, upright, or otherwise) affects the direction of the ball. A good lie is necessary for accurate shots.

Wrist Zoom

Take a look at this article on how to work on your cupping wrist!

Recommended Setting

We recommend enabling high-speed recording (at least 120Hz) for the best experience. You can also enable it on replays to watch it in real-time during your practice. For replay, we recommend enabling the auto-slow setting to slow the video near impact.

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